September 11, 2019; No. 10.13140/RG.2.2.33838.05448
Robert Körner, Hannes Köhler, Astrid Schuetz: From the University of Bamberg.
In the dynamic realm of child development, the influence of body language on psychological well-being has become a subject of intrigue. A recent study, focusing on fourth-grade students, delved into the effects of expansive body postures on self-esteem. Here, we explore the key findings and implications of this research.
Unveiling the Power of Posing
The study enrolled 108 fourth-grade students, each randomly assigned to either a high-power pose or a low-power pose. The participants maintained their designated posture for one minute, after which their self-esteem was evaluated using the Statement List of Self-Esteem in Children and Youths (SLSE, 2011).
Key Points from the Study:
- Power Posing Defined:
- High-power posing involves adopting expansive, open body postures that nonverbally express a sense of power.
- This practice, commonly known as “power posing,” has been associated with hormonal and behavioral changes.
- Psychological Impact:
- High-power posing was linked to a range of positive psychological changes in the students.
- The effects included a higher state of self-esteem, improved mood, and more positive feelings toward the student-teacher relationship.
- Consistency with Previous Findings:
- The study’s results align with previous research on postural interventions in children and the self-esteem-elevating effects of high-power posing in adults.
- Notably, the largest impact of high-power posing was observed in school-related self-esteem.
Expert Commentary by Dr. Dan Murphy, D.C.:
The study’s findings resonated with Dan Murphy, who emphasized the significance of posture work, an integral aspect of chiropractic care, in positively influencing mood, emotions, and self-esteem. The study’s focus on asymptomatic fourth-grade children underscores the potential benefits of posture improvement, raising intriguing questions about the duration of these positive effects.
Implications for Chiropractic Care:
- Chiropractic Posture Interventions:
- Chiropractic care, with its emphasis on posture improvement, aligns with the study’s positive outcomes.
- The potential for meaningful improvements in mood and self-esteem after just one minute of improved posture suggests a valuable avenue for chiropractic interventions.
- Long-Term Benefits:
- While the study did not explore the duration of the observed benefits, it prompts consideration of the long-term impact of chiropractic care on postural habits and psychological well-being in children.
- Support for Chiropractic Care for Non-Symptomatic Children:
- The study’s implications support the idea that chiropractic care can extend beyond musculoskeletal complaints, finding relevance in promoting overall well-being, particularly in asymptomatic children.
In conclusion, the study offers a glimpse into the transformative potential of empowering postures on children’s self-esteem. As chiropractic care continues to evolve, these findings contribute to the broader conversation about the multifaceted benefits of interventions aimed at enhancing posture and well-being, especially in the crucial developmental years of childhood.